Delta 2 gripped the steering wheel hard as he kept his distance from the target. He mulled over his orders "Don't let the wizard out of your sight" said The Controller, emphatic about the mission, Delta 2 was not about to mess this one up.

The beaten Ford with it's body work looking definitely worse each mission, lilted to one side with pipes dangling below and bumpers drooping and nearside wheel arch tucked neatly up high. As in many of these recent sorties, the family came too, the ride must be like a circus in that cab he thought to himself. In the back was the reason for the outing. The aging cage needing minor repair. But that could not hide from view or disguise the fat man at the wheel.
Ahead the lights changed to red and the Ford loped to a halt. Arms waving with the head and the mouth pontificating about what ever passed before his eyes and for that matter, what ever happened to enter his head.

Delta 2 wondered if the target had any clue about these op's, did the wizard know we were tagging along for the ride to gather what the controller needed.
The destination reached, the target pulled to a stop outside the shop and Sterling eased his weight from the seat, finding his feet and hitched up his pants to the bottom of his belly. He unloaded the truck and stood in the doorway of the shop. His frame filled the space, his massive bulk plugging the entrance.
Delta 2 screwed the zoom lens tight and saw the family still in the cab, sat guarding the Ford. No! Not again....!

He hit the direct dial on his AIS approved Nokia 7500 & broke silence. The Controller was furious "What?" came the voice that drained his strength. Delta 2 found his throat dry "I can't .." his voice cracked. "I can't get near the car." "Why not?" boomed the The Controller. "Wifey and the girl are still in the car, they are like suckers" "Leaches you mean?!!! Get out of their and report back here immediately".
The training for the Delta Task Force had been tough but these missions were proving that he was unprepared.
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